Sunday, May 10, 2015

To MY Mom, with Love

Well, it's Mother's Day, and I have to say, I am forever grateful to be privileged to celebrate today with my four boys and husband. Although the journey of being their Mama is not always easy, it is definitely a journey filled with joy! I have learned a lot about myself and about God through mothering them. But, there's someone else who I have learned so much from, and I thought it might be fitting to spend the next few paragraphs introducing you all to her...

35 years ago, God mapped out a plan for me that so intimately and delicately intertwined with my mom. He knew what type of mom I would need to grow and to mature and to succeed. He knew I would need a strong-willed, but patient woman to go up against my even stronger and less patient will. He knew I would need a mom who could teach me how to love my future husband, and how much forgiveness is an integral part of life. He knew I would need someone to shape me, to love me, and to eventually let me go and live life grounded in Him. There was no doubt in His mind that the best mom for me was MY mom.
Things, of course, haven't always been easy and not always pretty. Me being the opinionated, strong-willed daughter made for some good ol' conflict. Clothes shopping always brought out the worst in both of us when I was little. My tom-boy self would NOT be caught dead in a fru fru dress... Black, grey and blue were my favorite colors, so if it looked girlish, it wasn't going on my body! Some of that fear of fru fru still exists, but I have certainly expanded my wardrobe!
There were hard times like convincing my parents to let me live in NM my junior year of high school, which I didn't understand then, but now realize how much that had to have hurt them. (That's a LONG story for another time...) There was the refusal to go to Senior Prom, which I am sure my mom missed all the fun of prepping for that. There was even the refusal to walk in my own graduation, which my mom won that battle (but I was NOT happy about it). And there were those long conversations during my freshman year of college, when we discussed me possibly not returning to college in the fall.
I have so many wonderful memories that flood to mind when I think about my mom... I can remember her big, fluffy red robe she wore when I was just a little girl, and how it felt to be hugged by her in that robe. I can remember her trying to shield my sister and me from birds that were flying around the inside of our house as we ran to a bedroom. I remember coloring a lot together. I remember nights when she and I would lay in her bed watching silly shows, cuddling and laughing. There were nights of LONG talks, that I am sure seemed even longer to her. So many memories, so much fun!
My mom has amazed me at all the things she has accomplished, all of the things she put her mind to and did. She worked fulltime at the same company for 30 some years. Even though she hated driving the commute, and lots of changes happened within the company, she stayed loyal to the company and respectful to those she worked for and with. I didn't know what I was watching growing up, but as a woman in the work field now, I can totally see how important that was.
She went to college part time throughout a good part of my childhood. She worked, went to class, did homework, and still found time to be there when we needed her. She never missed a concert... Never missed the important stuff...
My mom loves God, trusts God, and serves God with an open heart. She has shown me, as well as my sister, how important God is in our lives. She ensured that we grew up knowing Him. She has always been a wonderful model of a God-fearing woman and wife.
I think what amazes me the most about my mom is that although she never had the love, the support, the connectedness with her mom, she somehow knew how to mother my sister and me. She didn't have the Godly example that she so lovingly has shown to us. She strived to give us the relationship she didn't have with her mom, and let me tell you succeeded. And, even though she didn't have that kind of relationship with her mom, she ALWAYS showed her mom love and respect. That says a lot about my mom all on it's own!
34 years ago, God gave me a mother that was just right for me, and a grandmother just right for my boys. As an adult, He has give me a best friend in her, and I am forever grateful for that friendship. I know it has NOT been easy to raise this strong-willed, impatient girl, but my mom has done it with love and grace. I would not be who I am today if it weren't for her.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom! I love you!
And Happy Mother's Day to all those out there reading this... May God bless you and those you "mother", even if they aren't your actual children!