It's definitely a crazy time we are living in! So much is happening around us, impacting us. So many questions, concerns, fears. At the end of the day, I find myself praying that I did enough to help my boys with their fears. That I answered their questions and concerns with enough confidence that they can sleep at night. I don't hold all of the answers, only God does. Sometimes all I can give is a caring, "I don't know." I can't fix any of what's going on. I can't wave a magic wand and make things disappear. I can't force others to act kindly and respectfully. BUT, what I can do is love and raise my boys the way God wants me to. I can teach them, and guide them, and yes, even discipline them, so that they grow up to be amazing men. And as they grow and mature, these are the things I want them to know:
1. God loves you more than any single human can, even me (and that's saying a lot because I'm your Mama). God created you, chose your parents for you, protects you. He will NOT fail you (even when it feels like He is). He will be there for you ALWAYS.
2. Daddy and I are flawed people. We make mistakes... A LOT. Grace and forgiveness is needed daily because although we love you with everything in us, we will fail you.
3. The world is an amazing and scary place. Look for what God is doing in the world in the midst of the bad stuff. Good, amazing stuff is out there, too! Find it in the big stuff, in the little stuff. See the beauty in amongst the ugly.
4. Name calling is NEVER needed. You can always get your point across without ever having to call another person a name. If you accidentally do call someone a name, immediately apologize. Because, again, name calling is not needed.
5. You WILL disagree with other people. OFTEN. It's the beauty of being human. Of being different from others. IF we were all created to think exactly the same, we would be very boring people!
6. WHEN you disagree with people, respect is ALWAYS needed. There should never be a time where you are disrespectful because you don't agree/believe in what another person is saying. (Honestly, there should just never be a time you are disrespectful at all). Bad mouthing, putting people down, mocking people are all ways of showing disrespect, and it is uncalled for.
7. Words are extremely powerful. They can build people up or can tear people down. YOU have the power to use your immense vocabulary to help others. YOU can impact other positively or negatively by the words you choose to use. Think before you speak. Ask yourself: Is what I am going to say helpful or harmful?
8. TRUST is NOT free. It is so important for you to have people in your life that you trust. People you know you can go to for help and advice, that you can trust to keep you safe. It is just as important that people can trust you. You earn trust... It is not assumed or free. It is earned through being honest and reliable. You earn other's trust by meaning what you say and saying what you mean. Be the friend that people can come to and feel safe. Tell the truth, even when it's hard.
9. Life on Earth is NOT FAIR. We live in a broken world, with hurting people. We live with injustices all around us. People fight for the rights of others to make this world be a little more fair. Be the person who sees the injustices and fight for what's right. But also accept that at times, life just isn't fair. You may not get the promotion you want. You may lose more family members to cancer or other illnesses. This side of heaven will not always be fair.
10. HELP others. Be aware of the needs around you. Open doors for people. Pick up items left on the floor at the store. Offer to reach things off the top shelf for those not as blessed with height as you are. Volunteer whenever/wherever you can. YOU are God's hands and feet. Use your gifts and talents to help.
11. Be a CONTRIBUTING MEMBER OF SOCIETY! We have taught you that from the time you were very little. Be involved. Do the work. Use what God has given you. We taught you to do chores, to earn money, to work hard because we want you to grow into strong, contributing members of the world you live in.
12. YOU are an unbelievably amazing person. YOU were created to do great things and I know that God has big plans for you. Each of you will have a different journey... One that will look far different than your brothers' journeys. That's because God created you to be YOU, not your brothers. God designed you to be unique. Being like everyone else is boring, anyway! Accept who you are. Embrace who you are. Your quirks, your flaws, your strengths are all a part of who you are. I want nothing more than for you to walk through your lifetime with confidence in who God created you to be.
13. YOU ARE LOVED MORE THAN WORDS COULD EVER SAY. Your Daddy and I have prayed for you since the moment we knew we were expecting you. There is nothing more amazing than to love you and care for you. We are privileged to be your Mom and Dad!! We are proud of who you are and for the things you are doing. And, no matter how hard things may be, or how angry your dad and I might seem, we will ALWAYS LOVE YOU. NOTHING can ever change that. EVER!