Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Effort Pays Off

Since Tyler was 14 months old, we have had therapists in our house at least twice a week...  We have had therapy balls, theraputty, weighted pressure vests, and a whole gammat of other therapy items strewn about our house.  We have had to be intentional about everything.  And, when I say everything, I mean EVERY THING.  From keeping to a schedule, to talking to Tyler (and now Benjamin) a very specific way, to even intentionally breaking from routine.  We have had to be "intentionally spontaneous" with Tyler and with Ben to teach them that changes happen.  When interacting with either boy, there is a constant thought of "how can this be a learning opportunity?"  Sometimes, it's more of a thought of "how will this affect the next goal or step?"

Being intentional is TOUGH!  It's tiresome.  Sometimes, I just want to go through a day and not have to think.  There are moments that I wonder if the work, the effort is really worth it.  Especially when it feels like Ben isn't making progress or Tyler seems to be regressing some.  BUT, when I hit that moment of being unsure, God blesses me with a glimpse into WHY I do what I do. 

For instance, yesterday Benjamin climbed up into one of the kitchen chairs, grabbed a sippy cup off the table, and then proceeded to walk into the living room.  At first, I thought he was going to drink it, but instead, he took it to Zachary and handed it to him, while saying "Zachary"!  Two days ago, I swore that Ben had no idea who any of his brothers were.  He barely acknowledges them or me or Kevin.  The moment he gave the cup to Zachary, I realized he's getting it!  That moment gave me enough confirmation to keep on doing the hard work. 

There have been other times when it has been made clear to me why my intentionality is worth the effort...  Tyler's amazing progress these past 3 years is definitely worth the effort!  He went from being non-verbal, non-social, and miserable, to being a chattery social butterfly who is typically happy and silly!  Had Kevin and I chosen to not do the work, Tyler would most likely still be where he was 3 years ago...

Intentionality is not just for those with Special Needs children.  It's for everyone.  God asks us to be intentional with our lives.  The decisions we make, the paths we journey on are all times when we should be purposeful.  Even small decisions, such as whether or not we should buy those awesome sandals, should be dealt with intentionality, as it affects something bigger (like our wallets!).  How we interact with people, whether a friend from church or a stranger at the bank, has an impact on our lives.  How we react to bad service at a restaurant or a driver who has cut us off is a reflection of who we are and the God we serve.  And God wants us to be aware of that...  He wants us to choose our words carefully.  He wants us to reflect HIS love and grace.  We can't do that unless we are intentional about the things we say and do. 

It's hard work being intentional...  But, the effort pays off!  Tyler and Benjamin are proof of that!

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