Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Little Perspective

These past few days I have been thinking a lot about perspective... The perspective a person takes shapes their entire way of thinking and believing. Perspective affects how we take on each day. And, lately, my perspective has had a very negative effect on my daily life.

For a while now, I have been kind of seeing myself as a victim. A victim of a chaotic and overwhelming life, poor decisions, and relational failures. I would even go as far as saying there were many a time when I felt helpless (and hopeless). Things both in my control and out of my control happened, and all I could really see were the negative things. My perspective each day was that this life is HARD, and it's always going to be HARD, and there's nothing I can do about it.

BUT, the pity party had to end. I am NOT a victim. I am not helpless. And I am certainly not hopeless. I just needed to spend less time (if not NO time) looking at the bad stuff, and way more time on the good stuff. I needed to find the awesome things that were happening... And, let me tell you, there are A LOT of awesome things happening!

For one, I have learned some amazing things about myself. Tough journeys and events in life always shape me more and more into who God created me to be. I am learning to trust myself more, rely on other's opinions less, and to stand on the two feet God gave me with confidence. Things have been hard, BUT I don't have to spend all of my time focused on it.

I have been blessed with an amazing family, who has been relatively healthy this winter. Yes, we've gotten the head cold thing, and 4 of the guys got the stomach flu, BUT none of us have been sick for very long. None of us have been deathly sick. And, although going through the sicknesses at the time STINKS (sometimes literally), we truly have been blessed. We've had medications to help with symptoms, antibiotics to kick out the germs, and comfy beds and couches to rest on. There could definitely be worse places to be when sick!

We've been faced with tough decisions, and like I have said before, I miss the days when my hardest decision was what to have for lunch. Do we send Ben to Kindergarten or keep him in Preschool another year? How do we deal with the ever changing issues Tyler has been struggling with at home? What areas can we cut out of our budget? What can we sell, what do we keep? Should one of us get a second job?

Yep, that's the kind of stuff we have been facing. Some were easier than others to decide on. What I lost sight of were the amazing things that will come out of those decisions. No matter what would be decided, God would have blessed us. He would be present with Ben whether he went to Kindergarten or Preschool. God has always been, and always will be, with Tyler and us through the daily struggles of extreme chattiness and meltdowns. God's hand has ALWAYS been guiding us through our financial issues and He has blessed us time and time again.

My lack of a positive perspective left me feeling isolated, overwhelmed, and lost. My negative perspective kept me buried in the junk and messiness of my life. When I began to change what I was looking at, what I would focus my attention on, I started to see past the messiness. I started to see the amazing things that were happening amidst the junk.

The junk is going to happen. And messiness is just a part of life on earth. BUT, I don't have to let it bury me. I can spend my time looking at my 4 beautiful boys, and how their lives are starting to unfold. God has really blessed my husband and me with them... There's not a day that goes by that God isn't using them and growing them.

I have a lot of things to be thankful for, a lot of blessings that fill my heart with joy: good jobs, great family and friends, opportunities to serve God, a solid plan to get financially stable. Bad things WILL happen. Life will get messy, and sometimes stay messy for a while. Just because it's happening, or going to happen, doesn't mean I have to spend my time and energy in it.

The perspective we have impacts our daily life. It impacts our heart, our minds, and our soul. It affects our relationships, especially our relationship with God. When we shift our perspective from negative to positive, we open ourselves up to so MANY opportunities of joy and grace and contentment. The hardest part about having a positive perspective is maintaining it... And that, my friends, I am still working on!

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