Thursday, February 26, 2015

A Roller Coaster Ride

There are very few things in life that I absolutely hate... Actually, I can really only think of one thing I absolutely, unequivocally despise... ROLLER COASTERS! There is nothing about a roller coaster that I like. The sound of the rattling track, the screams coming from other people only bring about anxiety for me. The feel of the car whipping back and forth does nothing for me, except make me ill. And let me tell you, there is NOTHING good that comes from the horrible feeling of my stomach in my throat as the car drops from the top of a hill.  NOTHING!

When I was little and living in New Jersey, we had visited Hershey Park and rode on the Comet. My memory of that ride was me being terrified, curled up under the bar where your feet are supposed to go. I remember being sick afterward and never EVER wanted to ride it again.

But, after marrying my husband and living only 25 minutes from Hershey Park, I put on my big girl pants and rode the Comet again (as well as some of the other roller coasters). And we returned for Kevin's birthday for another 2 years. By the last year, I had grown to despise the roller coasters. The horrible feeling with each drop became increasingly worse with each year. It got so bad that while on the last roller coaster I will ever ride, I looked at Kevin and said, "I hate you! I hate you!"  Now, I didn't really hate him, but I certainly did hate the roller coaster. I think Kevin finally figured out that there would be no more riding roller coasters with me!

There's a point to this story, I promise! I have equated my life on many occasions as being like a roller coaster (as do many other people). Life has ups and downs, and twists and turns. But, I realized for me that with my whole hating roller coasters thing, comparing my life to them was probably not a wise thing...

Life is exciting.  The thrills that I get from watching my boys grow up and seeing my husband enjoy the gifts God has given him are beyond amazing. I get a front row seat to watch Kevin continue to grow and become closer to God. I am an active participant in the lives of 4 very beautiful, awesome boys, who love God and each other.

Life is sweet and joyous. There have been so many precious moments in my life. Marrying Kevin was one of the most precious moments... I remember the feeling of walking down the aisle towards him, with joy-filled tears in my eyes, and a peace in my heart that God had great things planned for us. Meeting each one of my boys for the very first time brought such joy to my heart. Such a sweet and precious time connecting with them, praying for them.

Life is hard and emotional. Painful things happen, mistakes are made, rock bottom is found. But I find myself being ever so thankful for the hard stuff. It's in the hard stuff that I grow and learn the most. It's always in the hard times that I see how God truly is with me ALL the time. I might get angry, I might throw a tantrum or two (or sometimes ten), but in the end, I find myself thankful for the experiences. I cannot say the same for roller coasters!

Life is sad. Loss happens, and with that loss comes sadness and heartache. I have witnessed great sadness as friends and family have lost their loved ones. I have been to too many celebration of life services in the past year, some being for young children and teens. Death is a part of life, and it is beyond sad. And yet, with that sadness comes a peace, a glimmer of hope. For I know that death isn't the end. It's just the beginning... The beginning of a much better life than the one we have here on Earth.

Life is life. It's not like anything else in the world for me. There's no ride, no food, no single experience that I could use to sum up what life is like. I have been blessed with LIFE. I get to live life every day until God calls me home. And, unlike my experiences on roller coasters, I LOVE the ups and downs, twists and turns. The ups and downs, twists and turns means I am still alive. I still have a life to live for God. To experience his grace and love and blessings. To enjoy my boys, my husband, the ministries I serve in. To share life with others.

In my eyes, my life is no where near like being a roller coaster... It is SO MUCH BETTER!

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