Thursday, March 12, 2015

God's Hand is in Everything

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how I was choosing to change my perspective, particularly when it came to life stuff. I have to admit, it has not been easy... Apparently, I can be quite the pessimist! But, with help from friends and family, I have been able to really see life from a different angle. An angle of optimism, of hope, of peace. Not-so-great things have still happened (and will happen), but how I see those things, how I tackle those things, has really changed.

One of the greatest benefits to this shift in perspective for me has been how I am able to see God's hand in so much more. I think I lived life knowing God was there, but could only see Him in the big stuff. You know, the most joyous moments, or the most catastrophic moments... But I think it was rare for me to find God in the day to day, mundane things. It wasn't that I didn't think He was there, it was just I didn't take the time to see Him.

These past few weeks have given me ample times to see Him. To see His grace, His love, His sense of humor (and yes, I think God has an awesome sense of humor. My Zachary is a prime example!). Through some things He has held me. In others, He has guided me. And, surprisingly, there have been times He has provided me with peace and patience (which for me, can ONLY come from Him, as patience is definitely not a strong virtue of mine!).

My husband and I began taking Financial Peace University (FPU) about 5 weeks ago. The decision to take the course did NOT come easy. We were both scared to face our financial issues, but knew we needed to if we were going to fix things. We also knew that we were in what we thought was a "no win" situation. We wanted to take the class, we NEEDED to take the class, but didn't have the money to pay for the class. Wouldn't you know, God took care of that... An anonymous giver paid for our fees to take the class. God knew what we needed, and doing His thing, made it happen!

So, with this class, we have learned a lot of valuable lessons on how to manage money better (by MANAGING our money). It's been great! But, I was NOT expecting to learn a lot of other lessons along the way. Like how to be a better wife, how to provide a lasting legacy for our boys, and most importantly, how God has His hand even in our financial life.

There are goals to be set and accomplished in FPU, none of which we could accomplish on our own. Saving $1000 for our emergency fund felt impossible. But, God showed up and provided unexpected opportunities to sell items and even for Kevin to have additional teaching opportunities. Things like my mom randomly texting me to say we could sell their old kitchen island was arranged by a God who cares deeply about us accomplishing our financial goals.

Last night, Kevin came to me and told me about some significant troubles our car is having. Something about the engine and oil leaking and rattling that shouldn't be happening. It's going to cost money, probably a good bit of money, to get it fixed. In the past, we would have panicked and then would have pulled out the good old credit card. But it's different now. Now, there's no freaking out... No credit cards needed. Rather, we have an emergency fund and the ability to save thanks to the additional teaching opportunities Kevin has. The car thing is a HUGE inconvenience. But, it is NOT a catastrophic event. And the fact that I can see that shows that God's hand is in this.

I am learning every day how much God wants to be involved in our lives. He doesn't want to sit back and watch. He is in no way a spectator. He wants to be an active member of our day to day happenings. Sometimes He wants to arrange surprises, sometimes He just wants to hold us. But He wants to be a part of every moment. Whether it's in the big things like getting married, having babies, or losing someone, or in the small things like car issues and financial goals, He wants and IS a part of it all. We may not see Him, but He's there. And we have the ability to see Him if we look.

The looking part is what I am striving to do...

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