Monday, January 16, 2012

The 1st Born

I have shared a bit about each of our boys, except for Patrick, our oldest...  SO, I thought it was time that I share about my experiences with Patrick and the beginning of this parenting adventure.

My husband and I were married for about 4 months when we thought we'd like to start working on a family of our own.  We had been told by many people that it takes a while to get pregnant after being on birth control.  So, we went off birth control and had anticipated that it would take a few months, if not longer, to get pregnant.  We weren't necessarily trying, rather, we were just opening up the opportunity to get pregnant.  Well, what we had been told was NOT true for us.  We got pregnant with Patrick David the next month.  (Had we known what we know now about birth control and it's ineffectiveness on me, we probably would have waited a bit longer to go off it!)

Moments during my pregnancy were tough, as I learned I had epilepsy and had also gained a few too many pounds.  BUT, overall, it was a good pregnancy.  From start to finish of the labor and deliver process, it was only 6 1/2 hours.  The moment I held him for the 1st time was amazing!  I had fallen in love with him that first instant! He was so beautiful!  He looked exactly like his Daddy, with gorgeous blue eyes.  From day one, we knew he was going to be an amazing little boy!

As a baby and toddler, Patrick was calm and laid back.  He didn't learn to crawl until after his 1st birthday, not because he couldn't but because he was content right where we put him.  Baby proofing was done, even though there was no need at all.  His one uncle used to say that if he could be promised a baby like Patrick that he would be willing to have another child. 

Patrick is 5 1/2 now and yes, I still think he is amazing!  He is in kindergarten and in his words is a "genius."  (He is a smart little cookie, but we're still not sure where he got the word "genius" from!)  There are moments when I watch him and can't believe that God has entrusted us with him.  He is a great big brother to the other 3 boys, whether it's by putting toothpaste on Zach's toothbrush or helping Ben with some therapy needs.  He is always so loving and gentle, with family and with friends.  He is learning to be more independent and often times is excited to help out around the house.  I see a lot of his Daddy him, but not in the physical sense.  His sensitivity and the way he cares for and serves others are qualities that made me fall in love with his Daddy.

It is such a blessing to be a part of Patrick's life.  God has plans for him, and I am so grateful to be a part of those plans.  As we enter a new stage of life with him, I am excited to see how God will use him. 

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