Thursday, January 5, 2012

God Doesn't Make Mistakes

I have learned a lot of things since becoming a mom.  I have learned how to make quick meals, how to change diapers while the child is standing, and even how to survive on only 4-5 hours a night for over 5 years.  One of the most important things I have learned I actually learned from Tyler, our 2nd oldest son.  I learned that God doesn't make mistakes.  Yes, the whole being "perfect" thing kind of makes that an obvious statement.  BUT, really, how many of us actually understand the depth of that? 
Just over 2 1/2 years ago, Tyler had just turned one and wasn't even babbling.  He spent much of his time sitting in the middle of our living room crying.  There was no attempt at communicating to me what he actually wanted.  Many hours a day were spent watching "Veggie Tales" videos, as it was the only thing that could calm Tyler down.  We even carried a DVD with us everywhere we went.  Tyler didn't want to be hugged or cuddled.  No back rubs and even tickles were just tolerated.  Our lives revolved around just keeping the peace. 
Knowing that his behaviors were not normal and that he was behind develpmentally, we sought help from Early Intervention (EI).  We learned that Tyler was functioning as a 6-8month old, depending on the different developmental areas.  He was functioning at a 1 month old level when it came to what he understood receptively (the information that goes IN).  We knew even before EI came out that he was probably on the Spectrum.  What we were facing was no different than what many other families have to face. 
Here's where the learning began for me.  We had a lot of decisions and choices to make.  What therapies were best, how to create the best home environment, how much stimming do we allow, etc.  One decision that no therapist or doctor ever touched on was how  I was going to accept this little boy and who he was.  For me, there was no question...  Tyler was created by God.  And, God doesn't make mistakes.  Tyler's delays and quirks were not a defect that God somehow missed.  Rather, they were intricately planned for Tyler.  EVERY aspect of Tyler was knitted perfectly by God. 
Accepting this led me to realize something I had been missing all of my life...  That I was knitted perfectly together as well.  No, I am not perfect.  Human nature keeps me from ever even coming close to perfect.  But, the person God created, is not a mistake.  The strengths, the weaknesses, the physical imperfections, were created by God specifically for me.  Same goes for you...  At no point does God make a mistake, which means each of us were created perfectly in HIS eyes. 


  1. Thanks for the smile....perfect timing for me! :)

  2. ok ...1st off. Let me say I'm beyond pumped when anyone starts a blog! 2ndly, this is beautifully written. i didn't realize you have struggled through all of that with Tyler. We were not in the exact situation with our sierra, but we had decisions to make that we never envisioned ourselves having to make with one of OUR kids. i used to sometimes throw a small pity party for myself but God brought me to this truth. we are in a good place now, but I don't regret learning this.
